Friday, May 30, 2008


i'm learning to be more low-context in a diplomatic way at work. professionally, i'm used to 'beating around the bush' to communicate. personally, i'm fairly direct in my communication. i'm realizing that i talk about work directly, but deal with work situations and relationships quite indirectly or not at all. so i'm learning to be more direct, but in a nice, not defensive or insecure, kind of way.

for example, someone to whom i answer began spelling my name wrong about three days ago. interestingly, up to that, he'd spelled it correctly. for some reason, it just changed. not ok with me. so i e-mailed him to let him know it bothered me. his reply...Thanks, Loren. Will do.

so one victory.

THEN, I was to have a meeting with two people from another office. One on my level and the other the supervisor, so on a level above me. I realized that this would pose a possible lose-face situation, or worse, them ganging up on me (not in a real fight kind of way, but still). So I e-mailed the supervisor and requested a meeting just with him. He wouldn't have that, so I said I'd need my supervisor there, as well. Victory!

These sound stupid and small, but it's a huge step for me for some reason. I feel like I'm growing. Now I need to learn how better to surervise the two people I'm supposed to be supervising.

On a lighter note, I got my hair cut (all of them, actually) yesterday. I'll have to take a picture to post. I like it alot. AND Shawn commented positively on it right when I walked in the door (last time, it took til the next day, so I communicated with him that I needed verbal affirmation more quickly than that and he remembered!).'s been a busy morning already. All before 10a!


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