Tuesday, May 03, 2005

3 changes

In class on Monday, the question was posed, "If you could make three changes in your life that would please God, what would they be?"
I was a bit taken aback by the question. If I've ever thought that question before, it's been a while since I have. I had to think for a while, came up with a trite answer and was made to think more critically about what change I would make.
So the final answer I came up with follows.

1. Be more intentional in relationships (particularly with those who don't know Jesus)
2. Be less selfish (fix my eyes on Jesus, put others before myself)
3. Treat my temple as I should (present my body as a living sacrifice)

So that's what my prayer has been...that God would change me and that I would choose to obediently live out these changes that I may please God and point others to him.


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