Thursday, June 16, 2005

easy way out

I tend to take the easy way out if I can. I've been convicted about that lately...especially when communicating or trying to make an effort with something. Leaving it alone is just easier...and a lot less involved.. Seems like I've been doing the same with the blog lately. Just simply having a QOD is the easy way out because I post each day, but there's not much depth. Then I think, is that the way my relationship with God, and consequently my life as a Christ follower, boils down to some days? Am I just trying to take the easy way out? A verse here, a prayer or two there...but what am I doing about the brokenhearted, the captives, the poor, the orphans, the widows? May I not take the easy way out...

QOD: What perfume/cologne/l'eau du toilette do you currently use (assuming you use one)?
PURE (Eddie Bauer)...quite telling, don't ya' think? (please note the sarcasm, as well as the pride that would suggest that there is always truth in jesting)


At 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pure Grace (philosophy). it's part of their "soap & water" collection.

I should remember God's grace more often, eh, since I wear Pure Grace every day?!!


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