Wednesday, February 22, 2006

much needed response

Here are a couple of comments that I really needed to hear...

I am persuaded it is Duke’s loss. And although it may not feel like it right now, I am persuaded that it will work out for your gain.

I would say that's their loss.


At 7:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is SO HARD to be objective about this. All they would have to do is meet with you and talk with you to know where your heart is. Then there would be no question at all that you are a perfect Duke Fellow. That being said, and said unequivocally, the other comments are right: If this isn't "it", then "it" will be fabulous!!
The Subjective One,

At 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loren, this has nothing to do with your post....since i already told you what i thought...didn't want you to think i was insensitive....BUT....I FIGURED OUT HOW TO COMMENT!!!!!!


At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... the wise words of Pooh Bear, "Rivers know this, there is no hurry. We shall get there eventually."

The anxiety with a let-down at the end is the worst. I could, but I won't, (you can thank me later), burst forth in song with that great ol' country pop number "One Day at a Time," by the lovely Cristy Lane...hee.hee..

Thinkin' of ya, babe.


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