frustration, but anticipation
i heard a song on KBCO today that really spoke to me and added fuel to the fire within (in a good way, not in a destructive, uncontrolled forest fire type way), except when i looked for it online, there are no lyrics posted and the cd it's on doesn't come out until the middle of March. It's on Ben Harper's new CD and it's called 'Better Way.' What's worse is that he's going on tour, but no where near me. Although, it might beg for a road trip, since he is going to be playing in Paris...
ben harper is one of the 3 most important musical people to me ever. I'm stoked about the new cd. you should definitely take a trip and see him.
ben harper. good.
no, it's not frankentstein...just anitamarita.
loren...i miss ya, girl. hope you're well.
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