Monday, May 30, 2005


this energy, built up, inside, but dying to get out in some form or fashion
maybe it's caffeine's effects, or maybe it's emotion and desire not allowed to live in and for another
this is how i'm made, i'm wired
i just want to channel it in a way that is good and noble, that will affect great change in the world and not just keep it inside; the only thing that will do is drive me mad at a very rapid pace
but it seems like a waste at 11 o'clock at night. it will probably express itself in a dream or two during the night, as i toss and turn to process my inner thoughts and musings, dreams, longings and desires that may never come out of the inner cage of my being
i wonder if all of it's supposed to come out anyway
maybe it's the self control that allows only small amounts to seep out in healthy ways to share ideas and thoughts, to live out in word and deed things their origination stemming from the inner ruminations of one who chooses to ponder on God, His existence and His Word and others' existence and words...


At 1:22 AM, Blogger word. said...

I have been meaning to comment on your blog for months now...But I could never put anything into words that even comes close to the profound things you are constantly saying...I love you blog...You seem to touch my heart with each post I read.

I just wanted you to know that.

Eventhough my blog doesn't hold a candle to your you can visit me here.

At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

advice from a morning person - go to bed early!! *grin* that's way too late for creativity..wake up in the morning and you have the whole day to expound on ways to live out that energy.

haven't talked to you in while - sounds like you are well. wish i could have a blog but i don't think i could get pull myself away from loving the written word - "screibgeful" the german word for the joy of writing (writing, as in forming the letters not composing sentences)

would love to hear from you:

At 12:06 AM, Blogger Gypsy Hart said...

hello friend. I think of you often and yet don't call. please forgive. Thank you for sharing your honest heart. It is so good to hear the words flow and connect as you are spilling out life lessons onto the page for all to learn from Christ through you. thank you. -marty


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