Wednesday, December 08, 2010

December 8 – Beautifully Different.

Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different – you’ll find they’re what make you beautiful.

(Author: Karen Walrond)

One of the things that makes me different is my laugh. And I think it definitely would qualify as 'lights people up.' I have actually tried to change my laugh in the past, but now I just embrace it. Some people claim to be able to hear my laugh from the other side of a school campus. Others have been infuriated by it (my most favorite memory is of a Russian librarian accusing me of making her work environment impossible).

I really do love to laugh. Whether at jokes, at irony, or even silly things people do. I have a pretty dry wit and sarcasm really does it for me, too.

It's hard for me to think of other things at the moment, especially since it's not only something different, but something different that lights people up.

If I take away the lights people up part, a few other things come to mind:

my height (although I don't really notice or feel short unless I'm standing close to someone over 6 feet).

my frankness (I have a knack for being disarmingly honesty paves the way for others honesty)

i have a widow's peak

i count most of my steps

will continue to ponder what makes me different. if anyone is reading this, please feel free to add your two cents.


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