Monday, January 24, 2011

best year yet

my mom introduced me to a series of worksheets to come up with goals and a new paradigm to have the best year yet. in hopes of achieving these goals, and holding on to my new paradigm, i wanted to share those with whoever out there (still) reads this thing.

My Guidelines for 2011
1. Let go
2. Persevere
3. Trust

My New Paradigm for 2011
I am valuable and valued. Hope does not disappoint.

My Top Ten Goals for 2011 (in no particular order):

1. Try at least 4 new recipes for dinner
2. Read Scripture with Shawn 3 days a week.
3. Read Bible stories with Jack before bedtime 3 nights a week.
4. Sing 250 hymns to Jack.
5. Write four involved e-mails to three long-distance friends.
6. Pray once a week for a specific friend God's put on my heart.
7. Suggest restarting a group at work and spearhead that if allowed.
8. Pray for my supervisor(s) once a week.
9. Share the redemption story of Jesus with at least one non-believer (this may seem like a low goal, but for me it's a really big one).
10. Memorize 4 verses dealing with hope (the verses I've chosen are Psalm 25:5; Psalm 62:5; Isaiah 49:23b; Romans 15:13; and if I get really motivated Romans 5:1-11).

I'll check in once a month to let you know how I'm doing.

This morning I'm meditating on my new paradigm (I'm valuable and valued. Hope does not disappoint and on Psalm 25:5 'Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long) in light of a frustrating turn of events.


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