more questions to answer
In the mood to blog, I guess. But thought I'd mix it up with other questions besides the one from that article. Found this on another blog I read::: no matter what mood i'm in, i can always go for a: large ice cream cone
:: my favorite go-to outfit would have to be: i think actually what I'm wearing right now: ann taylor navy casual pants and a tank top and long sleeve shirt (land's end) on top
:: a good source of inspiration is: the ocean
:: am so glad my parents taught me: detail life stuff like laundry and boiling water, but also bigger life stuff like right vs. wrong and loving others
:: a song i like to dance to is: I don't really dance, but if I did, Walking on Sunshine
:: i wish everyone knew about: manners, how to merge, hagen daz coffee ice cream, how college sports are way better than the pros...i think i could go on and on here
:: the best thing in my makeup bag is: clinique lipstick (current favorite: Double Fudge)
:: my dream spring break vacation spot is: goodness I wish I had Spring Breaks still! my favorite one that I actually took was to Paris. where I'd go if I ever had another Spring Break, probably Figi or something like that. Real possible answer: San Diego again. Gosh I loved that place.
:: this may be a surprise, but i am passionate about: Prairie Home Companion
:: a favorite book that changed me for the better: I Am the Cheese
:: one of my pet peeves is: People starting a sentence with the phrase 'Needless to Say'
:: my favorite daily ritual would have to be: reading Bible stories to Jack and singing to him before bedtime.
:: i am trying to be better at: being slow to speak, quick to listen
:: the most recent rad thing i found online was: I don't know if I have an answer...
:: i can't live without: obvious sarcastic answer: oxygen. first thing that came to mind: ice cream. more substantial, real, cheesy, trite answer: Shawn
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